Friday, March 18, 2011

Write a brief reflection on your key learning from Carousel Graffiti Activity.


At March 19, 2011 at 11:35 AM , Blogger Jeff Sisneros said...

I like the accumulation of the collective knowledge and concerns of the group that this activity brings out. I thought the value of the content of the activity came through validation of some of the practices that I incorporate into my classroom and my school incorporates at the whole school level. I think I can expand my efforts to communicate with parents digitally by tightening up my systems in this area. I've also got some new ideas about making parent visits more safe and comfortable.

At March 19, 2011 at 12:19 PM , Blogger Mr.McElwee said...

This activity encouraged me to think about all the different participants in the school community. It pointed out to me the importance of keeping the student's family in mind. I was fascinated by the amount of overlap between the categories. Respect, participation, and taking an interest in various aspects of the learning process were all common themes. There's much to consider...

At March 19, 2011 at 12:19 PM , Blogger S Lewis said...

Nothing in particular stands out.

At March 19, 2011 at 12:30 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

The activity shows that there is a wealth of view points and ideas on how to improve our schools' degree and quality of communication between the stakeholders. Given the top-down nature of our curriculum design, testing, goal setting in education, conversations such the one we had are, I think, rare. Our school administrators are often to invested in meeting the goals pasted down from above to have time to invest in bottom-up initiatives that are hard to quantify. If teachers are given assurances that such initiatives will be given full support (make it part of our "grade" give it value) I think we will take up the work and make change.

At March 19, 2011 at 12:33 PM , Blogger Regina said...

The carousel graffiti activity was great. I liked that it allowed me to get up and move around. I also like interating with others about different topics. I realized that some of the topics were hard to answer. Our group did a great job of brainstorming and were able to come up with great ideas. I am going to create a survey for my classroom next year. I want to be a good resource to parents and want to know what is out there that I can take advantage of to benefit my classroom. Parental involvement is a huge obstacle to overcome with schools. I like the idea of a parent university.


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